Yugioh Can a Monster Attack Again After Being Destroyed and Brought Back Furing Battle
I consider myself a gaming enthusiast, from chess and checkers to Yu-Gi-Oh TCG, console gaming, and beyond.

To uncover the mysteries of the rulebook, nosotros must go back to our bequeathed times, when bopping someone on the caput with a os club for losing was acceptable. Needless to say, times take changed.
The standard rules of Yu-Gi-Oh are familiar to anyone playing the game with a rulebook at their side. You showtime by cartoon five cards. The first role player doesn't draw, and there's Draw Phase, Standby Phase, and then on. Yet, some rules in the game are only touched upon briefly in the rulebook, while others aren't mentioned at all.
Scouring forums and hoping someone became as curious every bit yourself may lead you to the douchebag of the week, who's happy to answer questions at the price of your self-esteem. There's too the "learning through feel" method, simply as a wise man once said, "Fools learn from experience; wise men learn from history." Therefore, this writer is willing to share his history by explaining ten Yu-Gi-Oh rules you should know but probably don't.
10 Commonly Missed Rules in Yu-Gi-Oh
- Missing the Timing
- Priority (Fast Upshot Timing)
- Activation vs. Resolution
- Chains
- Event Speed
- When . . . Can, If, and When
- Quick Effects
- Cost vs. Event
- Targeting vs. Non-targeting
- Damage Adding

Scraps are known for missing their timing if your opponent tickles your strategy, but nothing is more satisfying than beating an arrogant enemy with a pile of forgotten refuse.
1. Missing the Timing
Ever summon a monster with a absurd effect on its summon, only for that summon to be interrupted by a Torrential Tribute or Abysmal Traphole, and so your opponent has the nerve to say, later yous lose your beloved monster, "You can't do that"? You can give thanks your monster'south effect missing the timing for the lost effect.
The culprit of missing the timing is usually optional monster effects, the ones that say "When this happens . . . you tin do that." When you choose to actuate such a monster outcome, the last thing that needs to happen is the condition for the action.
For case, permit's say y'all take an effect stating: "When an Insect type monster you control is destroyed sent to Graveyard, y'all can special summon this monster from the hand." In order to gain this effect, no other effects can occur earlier this effect begins. If an Insect type y'all command is assaulted past a card stating, "Destroy a card your opponent controls, then they draw 1 card," then destruction isn't the last matter happening—drawing is.
Also consider the infamous Bottomless Traphole, which banishes a monster after destroying it. Since banishing is the concluding matter to happen, non the destruction, our Insect-support monster would miss its timing.
Side Notation:
The author gave you lot a quick summary of Priority'south transformation into Fast Event Timing. For a more detailed description of the mechanic, for when y'all find yourself struggling to survive 47 meters downwardly in a tank of rule-sharks, click hither.

Look what they've done to poor Sangan. The monster coming to avenge his demise now becomes a demote-warmer for a plough. Oh well. Even if you no longer honey him, he'll always exist Tour Guide's boo.
2. Priority (Fast Outcome Timing)
The definition of priority changed drastically since the ancient times of Yu-Gi-Oh. In the olden days, it meant a plough actor'due south monster effects could merely exist responded to past the opponent, pregnant if one summoned a Black Luster Soldier—Envoy of the Beginning, unless you lot negated the ascent of this paradoxically named soldier, your monster was getting banishing. Fun times, correct?
Nowadays, Priority deals with the plow player determining the chain gild of you and your opponent's effects activating simultaneously. You might be thinking, "Who cares who gets their effect first when we both are getting what we want anyhow?" This can be the case when two searchers are destroyed at the same time, simply what happens when you and your opponent both control monsters that resummon themselves in one case per turn upon destruction, but your opponent's destroys everything on the field upon its summon while yours is a beater (Yu-Gi-Oh jargon for a monster with high attack power) sans effects?
When both of your monsters are destroyed, and if it's your turn, the order in which you resolve the chain will determine which monster has the last express mirth. (In this case, y'all'd make your effect activates first, and so your opponent'southward, so later the chain resolves, your monster would grace the field after your opponent's has destroyed it. Who said knightly is dead, right?)

Anyone else yet employ Seven Tools of the Bandit? No? No one? Really?
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iii. Activation vs. Resolution
The author hates to complicate fifty-fifty the simplest matters of our dearest pastime, merely fifty-fifty activating a card effect doesn't "just happen." A three-footstep process lies backside every card'southward effect: The declaration of the activation, the price (if whatsoever), and the resolution. Usually, this 3-footstep happens for one's Spell, Traps, and Monsters without result, only your opponent will e'er try and make a mountain out of your route to victory.
First Issue
The first issue, and the more than obvious one, is what happens when your opponent negates your card's activation, like with a Counter Trap, simply some other bill of fare you control needs that activation to get an effect. For case, if you control a carte that gains Spell counters every time a Spell is activated, just your opponent Dark Bribed your Spell, and then that carte du jour was never activated, so y'all don't get the Spell Counter.
However, if your opponent just negates the effect of the Spell, like with a Trigger monster effect or a Trap, then you all the same activated the bill of fare: Its effect just didn't resolve. Therefore, it counts toward you activating the card, but you nonetheless don't go its effect.
Second Effect
The second issue, the less obvious one, is sometimes a card may not activate and resolve in the same identify. This is how monster cards yet get their effects beyond effect negation. If y'all have monster with its furnishings negated on the field (like with Skill Drain or Fiendish Chain), but the text reads, "When this monster is destroyed and sent to the graveyard . . . " the effect activates on the field, nevertheless resolves in the graveyard, enabling that monster to gain its effect.
Smart players can even utilise this mechanic to dodge effect negation by irresolute where their effect resolves. Stardust Dragon dodges negation by tributing itself so it resolves in the Graveyard, while ABC—Dragon Buster can concatenation to its banishing-an-opponent'due south-card-ability by banishing itself to summon its three material, making its effect resolve while it itself is banished.

That's the sound of your life points burning on the chain . . . gaaaannng. That's the sound of your life points called-for on the chain . . . gaaannngg. —Sam Cooke: The Misheard Lyrics
4. Bondage
1 of the easiest concepts to larn in the game, bondage determine the order in which effects resolve when a histrion plays i card effect to immediately reply to another. You decide which card effect applies outset by resolving the cards in the reverse lodge in which they were played.
Consider the following scenario: Your opponent plays Mystical Infinite Draft to destroy a facedown Breakthrough Skill, but you activate that Breakthrough Skill to negate the effects of a Hot Cerise Dragon Archfiend Abyss, only for it to activate its consequence on your Breakthrough Skill.
In this level three concatenation, you would apply the effects activated backwards: The Hot Red Dragon (pun intended) will negate Quantum Skill's outcome, Breakthrough Skill's effect will do nothing because it was negated, so Mystical Space Draft will "destroy" the Quantum Skill. Too, Summoning a monster, unless it's summoned by a carte effect, does not start a chain, nor does attacking.
Understanding how chains resolve seems simple enough, merely not all cards were crafted equal in Yu-Gi-Oh. Equally explained in the following department, Spell Speed determines what types of effects can and tin can't be chained to another.
5. Effect Speed
The starting time thing to know about spell speed is that information technology is not a concept exclusive to Spell cards (confusingly); it influences Monsters, Traps, and Spells. Iii different types of spell speeds exist in Yu-Gi-Oh: Spell Speed i, 2 and three.
- Cards of Spell Speed one cannot respond to a concatenation. These cards are ordinarily slow monster effects and regular Spell cards.
- Cards of Spell Speed 2 can be chained to each other and Spell Speed 1 cards. These are going to be your Traps, Quickplay Spells, and Trigger monster effects.
- Finally, your cards of Spell Speed 3 are the Counter Trap cards, the fastest gunslingers in the W. Simply other Counter Traps can chain to each other.
The following table clarifies Spell Speeds more for the visual thinkers amid u.s.a.:
Spell Speed ane | Spell Speed ii | Spell Speed three |
Regular Spells, Continuous Spells | Quick-Play Spells | Counter Traps |
Ignition Furnishings (Once per plow...) | Regular Traps, Continuous Traps | |
Trigger Effects (When... Can / If / When...) | Quick Effects (During either player'southward turn...) |
6. When . . . Can, If, and When
Trigger effects in Yu-Gi-Oh correspond another concept duelists lack knowledge of, particularly when it comes to missing the timing. The three principal culprits of this defoliation are these iii phrases:
- "When . . . you can . . . "
- "If . . . you tin can . . . "
- "When . . . "
Out of the heed-juggling iii, merely "When . . . you tin can . . . " makes yous miss the timing (i of the mechanics mentioned above) if the beginning condition (the When) isn't the last ane happening. Naturally, the "yous can" besides gives the player the option to activate the effect.
Dissimilar "When . . . you lot tin," "If . . . yous can" never misses its timing, meaning the effect will always happen even if its condition wasn't final to happen. The tidbit you'll demand to call back is that the effect will happen in a separate chain from action that would normally disrupt the timing of a "When . . . you can" effect.
The concluding trigger effect type "When . . . " ways when something happens, at that place is no "you lot tin" about it. The thespian has no pick but to actuate the effect when the status is met. It may seem like always a positive to have an consequence happen, but what if your deck is running emptier than a embankment on a winter's 24-hour interval and the carte whose effect yous must activate searches, or the menu's condition activated destroys a monster on the field, still the just monster gracing it is your own?
Knowing the benefits and repercussions of these 3 trigger furnishings can hateful the difference between gaining advantage guaranteeing you victory, or a bad conclusion leading to defeat.
7. Quick Effects
A mechanic always existing in Yu-Gi-Oh even so only driveling in its mod iterations, quick effects are the beloved Trap bill of fare version of Monster furnishings. Basically, if a monster effect has the fundamental words "During either player's turn" in it, so that outcome non merely functions similar a Trap card, merely also has the Spell Speed of i too (Spell Speed ii).
You can chain such an effect to an result just like any other Spell Spell 2 card; however, even if a quick effect isn't express by the "Once per turn" clause, you can only apply a quick outcome once in a chain if the effect can loop on itself and if it has a price. Therefore, a card like Apex Avian can negate a card consequence merely once per chain, because it can utilize itself as fodder to negate a card effect. On the other mitt, Herald of Perfection lacks such a limitation, since it tin't banish itself to the groovy beyond to halt your progress.

That's all right, you annoying, solitaire playing, every-turn-field-destroying, forest-animal-smooching priests. Yous'll run out of cards in your hand eventually...
eight. Cost vs. Event
A good question: If a tree falls in a forest and no one is around to hear it, does it make a audio? For our given article, an even improve question: If you lot activate Solemn Strike and someone negates the activation with the Counter Counter Trap, do you still pay 1500 life points? The reply to the second question is always yes.
Cost is something that must be paid for you to actuate a card, so even if the activation or effect is negated, you nevertheless have to pay the cost. The pull a fast one on to understanding a card's cost versus its effect lies in the wording.
- Most cards indicate a price by stating the requirement beginning, and so the effect; others follow the general context: Yous can (discard one menu, tribute 1 monster, etc) to practice such and such.
- Cards without a cost simply with a usual requirement in the consequence volition either do the contrary by list the something considered a cost second (like discarding, tributing, or paying life points) or use and between what would otherwise exist a cost and the event.
Agreement what'south considered a cost and effect on a bill of fare is invaluable to one'due south strategy, especially when one wants to use a cost to one'southward reward in a restrictive situation or when baiting (Yu-Gi-Oh jargon for making an opponent assail one'south play so the bodily strategy can progress untested) 1's opponent. The post-obit tabular array lists common phrases used for cards with costs and cards without costs that appear similar they do.
Information technology does have a Cost... | It does non have a Cost... |
Discard 1 carte du jour; (The utilise of a semicolon is cardinal) | Both players draw 1 card, so discard 1 card (Discarding is stated second, and so it is not a cost) |
Pay 1500 lifepoints. (The period is the indicator) | Both players discard their hands and describe five cards from the deck (The "and" conjoining the statements indicates the 1st is not a cost.) |
Return 1 faceup monster you control to the paw to... (The last "to" before the effect) |

Try targeting a Kozmo Dark Destroyer, and your opponent will hump his shoulders then brainstorm desperately humming Duel of The Fates. This is why understanding what effects target is of import.
9. Targeting vs. Non-targeting
A mechanic non as influential in the by as information technology is currently, the divergence between effects that target and effects that don't tin make or ruin plays depending on what effects yous or your opponent has. In early Yu-Gi-Oh, cards existed that could change the target of your cards' effects, like Shift and Remote Revenge. In the current game, many monsters be that cannot exist targeted past card effects, rendering them immune to whatever outcome that targets. Therefore, to dispel the root of any histrion's confusion, the question is: What determines whether a card targets or non?
Just as in determining what is a price, the key lies in the phrasing of the text. A card downright telling you to "Target" a carte du jour, or whatever number of cards, naturally targets. Also, the word "Select" might likewise be used, or the carte du jour will show a specific number after a verb dictating the activity to perform (Destroy one Spell or Trap on the field/Tribute this menu to destroy one monster on the field/etc.)
Just to make you scratch a spot in your cranium, a myriad of phrases exists to determine cards non targeting. Cards which don't target will either:
- Give a status to perform an activity that changes depending on what's on the field (Destroy the monster on the field with the highest attack/Destroy Spell or Traps on the field equal to the number of Blackwings you control/ etc.)
- Have a trigger consequence responding to some other effect (If your opponent activates a monster upshot, you lot can negate that event and destroy the monster)
- Have an effect affecting a broad group of cards (Destroy all your opponent controls/Return all Spells and Traps on the field to the hand).
- Have monster effects during the battle phase omitting a specific target (If this card battles a Dragon type monster, destroy that monster before impairment calculation/If this card battles a non-Wind monster, return that monster to the manus after damage calculation/ etc.)
Knowing what cards target and don't target becomes critical when determining how to overcome efficient strategies.
Side Note:
To understand the greater intricacies of the Damage Step (for when, you know, those times y'all'll get snorkeling with those rule sharks) click here.
10. Damage Calculation
Well-nigh carte effects tin be applied during any phase of the duel, granted the card has the effect speed to do such; even so, one "phase" in Yu-Gi-Oh is more limiting when determining what cards can be activated during it. Harm Calculation, the role of the battle phase when damage is determined by opposing monsters ambivalent, simply earlier their devastation, is an aspect of the game only a few cards influence.
Unremarkably, if a card can be activated during damage calculation, it will say it can, like with Honest. Unfortunately, not all cards point whether information technology tin be activated during damage calculation. Cards that tin can be activated during the harm calculation either:
- Are Spell Speed 2 and influence set on and defense stats (Shrink, Limiter Removal).
- Accept effects that negate card furnishings occurring during the damage adding that are Spell Speed two or iii (Mist Valley Noon Avian, Divine Wrath, Solemn Strike, etc.).
When in doubt, always asked a more experienced party or a gauge, because, past agreement what cards can exist used during this step, you can make up one's mind what cards can bypass your opponent's strategy without a negative response.
Drago on July 30, 2019:
So letz say an result states that if your oponent controls exactly three cards: does that bear upon the field and the hand or does it impact simply the hand or just the field
when 2 outcome monsters tin negate effects on July 01, 2019:
what about when two monsters have a effect negating ability, does that mean both cant use their effects or does one go priority?
Mike on June 09, 2019:
Hello and thank you for the useful mail service, that's true, we played a lot in the past without knowing whatsoever of these rules! A lot of duels which wouldn't accept been won/lost haha.
I accept a question though. There is an obvious difference betwixt "when this monster is destroyed by Battle" and "when this monster is destroyed" (the EFFECTS destructions are here counted as well), but what nigh "SEND a monster TO the graveyard"? I estimate this is Not a destruction (information technology'southward like a tribute which also "sent to the graveyard")? I retrieve for example nigh Karakuri ninja MDL 339 who "send" and not "destroy".
Oh look, practise we have "destroy AND send to the graveyard"? Yeah, and fifty-fifty has a trigger effect : Geartown. And so if you destroy information technology and ban it information technology won't trigger, if you lot send it without destroying it won't to, you have to destroy it first and make certain it is sent to the graveyard to trigger the result? Am I right?
It's all about wording afterward all... and that may be problematic for cards (badly) translated in some other language.
Zeron87 (writer) on May 20, 2019:
That guy: Okay, surrrreee *rolls eyes,* the rulings say they happen at the aforementioned time, fifty-fifty though, in practice, when approaching the effects, it'll save your sanity to assume they don't. I mean, that's similar saying a calculator can do multiple things at once, when it technically does merely one thing at a fourth dimension, but switches betwixt those tasks so fast, information technology appears they're doing two things at one time. "If y'all practice A, and then do B, and if yous can make them happen, make them happen simultaneously?" Does that ruling even hear itself? It's safer to assume they're non happening at the aforementioned fourth dimension initially, for logic'southward sake, to prevent confusion when deciding what part of the eff tin can get off if part of information technology is stopped.
And, Mithory: This perfectly leads into my respond for you: Because a judge said so. That's why it's important to speak to a judge or a more than experienced party (more like a more experienced tribunal) when yous're confused nearly a ruling. "Simulated" effects are determined because a judge in a regional somewhere determined "This guy gets his effect under this condition, but this other guy with a similar event doesn't because he would be likewise OP." Gauge rulings were a practiced style to ready broken cards without errata changes before errata changes were faddy (like they are now). Back in my day, the biggest culprit was Spear Cretin vs Jumbo Fighter. They both resolve in the Graveyard, nevertheless Spear Cretin can't target itself to bring itself back, but Jumbo Fighter tin. Why? Considering a judge said so, and Spear Cretin would have been almost immortal (Before devastation monster effs were vogue) dorsum then.
Hope I answered your questions!
Zeron87 (author) on May 10, 2019:
That guy: No, the effects of BTH don't happen simultaneously, because the argument in the text is provisional. If you lot destroy the monster, THEN you banish it. For the outcome to completely resolve, it needs to be checked if the monster was "destroyed," and so if information technology was, information technology goes straight to the Banish Zone. If not, it stays on the field. Now if the effect said something like: "Destroy and banish that monster," that would different, making them both happen at the same time.
Y'all tin can tell by the fashion Bottomless is worded it'due south an older menu, but promise I answered your question! Nowadays, most cards skip the middleman and but either destroy or banish stuff.
Zeron87 (writer) on May 01, 2019:
VShuffler42: Nether about circumstances, the answer to your question is no. Nearly menu furnishings dealing with negation negate a target's effect while it's face-upwardly on the field. Also, when the monster is destroyed, upon its revival it's considered a "new" monster, non the same 1 who's result was negated. The card doing the negation would take to say it negates the furnishings of all cards with that name for you to exist unable to utilize its effect again, something similar Chosen past the Grave. Most of the negation society: Infinite Transience, Breakthrough Skill, Lost Wind, etc, don't do this.
Stardust fan: You lot're right on the two Bottomless Trapholes matter *Claps.* Congrats on you getting your friend to concede that point, and you know what? You're correct almost the Tribute thing too. You can't chain to a cost. An issue goes as follows: Activation - Cost - Resolution. Despite who has priority, you can only chain to an upshot later on the cost is paid, and then Stardust volition ALWAYS resolve where it ends upwards after the tribute, and since Raigeki Suspension destroys a monster on the FIELD, your friend is out of luck.
Hope I answered your questions! P.Due south: Liesalot! Ha! That'south a skilful ane, but he "might" non be lying to you, just ignorant on how the ruling works. Just then, you know your friend meliorate than me 0_o.
Stardust fan on April 25, 2019:
So I got this friend nosotros will call Liesalot and he says you tin can actuate ii Bottomless Trap Pigsty (BTH) on to Stardust Dragon and that stardust dose not go the GY right away and can exist targeted till then.
I.East. I Special/Synchro Summoned Stardust Dragon. Liesalot then activates BTH, then Activates his 2nd BTH. I tell him can't activate one subsequently another because of Priority, that I become chance to activate Stardust's effect. he say fine. I do and so moving stardust to the GY and he tells me to stop and say I can't put stardust there yet since gets Priority and activates his Raigeki break and targets Stardust say this volition destroy him since I already used his upshot this turn. I tell him he is incorrect because stardust tribute is cost and must be paid, then he tells me it cost to be paid and remains on the field until his effect resolves.
concluding I check ": Yous can tribute this card;" has "Tribute" between a : and a ; is price that must before anything else happens. to add together he tells this is just how it is ruled for stardust dragon.
VShuffler42 on Apr 23, 2019:
Fifty-fifty though I am not new to the game in the slightest, I don't think I ever got the hang of the official rules. So let's say a monster's effect is negated. Then that monster is destroyed and and so revived back onto the field. Is the monster's consequence yet negated?
Zeron87 (author) on February 24, 2019:
Ivan: Yes, yes you lot can ^_^. Note that because the text says, "Shuffle 2 cards from your Graveyard into your Deck, then..." you tin can utilise the effect Madolche Ticket. If the returning attribute of Queen Tiramisu was a cost rather than an upshot, you couldn't activate Ticket'due south consequence.
Iván on January thirty, 2019:
I take a question: Can you lot activate Madolche ticket with the effect of Madolche Queen Tiaramisu?
Zeron87 (author) on December fourteen, 2018:
cesare911: Unfortunately, Lilith's tributing is considered a cost, not an upshot, then if your opponent used Lair of Darkness to tribute your Koa'ki Meiru Guardian, and then your Guardian won't be able to negate her effect. The monster you would employ to negate her effect is tributed for a cost before her effect activates, and you can't negate costs.
John pro: Since y'all're still in your battle phase, if y'all have an event that lets you special summon a monster during that battle phase, (Call of the Haunted, Gateway to Dark World, etc.) then you can assault with that monster.
Eg: You would have to elaborate. Price down just reduces the level of the monster in your manus, so it shouldn't destroy your monster unless you have another continuous effect active doing the destroying. What type of deck do you use it in?
Zeron87 (author) on November 01, 2018:
David Alzate: Every bit long every bit the card says, "Special Summon this monster to your side of the field" and that'south information technology, then the monster remains on the field (Similar with Monster Reborn). However, if at that place's a condition after the summon with the menu (Like if the carte says if yous summon it, then destroy it at the turn's end, or reshuffle it into the deck, or blackball it) then that'southward a unlike story.
For your 2nd question, Monster Reborn just works on Fusion, Synchro, Xyz, and Ritual monsters if they were summoned properly first. Keep in mind, at that place are cards that let you cheat this condition (that say if you summon the Fusion monster with this card, it's treated as a Fusion summon, etc), but you normally must summon it using the in-game mechanic means first before y'all can reborn information technology.
Hope I answered your questions ^_^!
David Alzate on Oct 06, 2018:
when you special summon a monster lets say with a monster reborn card...does the monster but last a turn or are they kept on the field until destroyed over again? and does monster reborn work on fusion monsters as well?
cesare911 on August 28, 2018:
If I have guardian koakimeiru in the field, and my opponent activates Lilith effect with lair of darkness in the field, can I notwithstanding negate the effect or my monster volition exist already gone?
John pro on Baronial 27, 2018:
If you attack, regardless of if your monster destroys or is destroyed, once the battle is resolved, tin can you then special summon another monster and continue attacking?
Eg on August xx, 2018:
Why is it that (sometimes) when I play cost downward manic card it destroys the monster I was going to play?
Zeron87 (author) on July 04, 2018:
KryWolf: Pitiful, but your cousin is right about Obnoxious Celtic Guardian. It's a Continuous issue, so information technology never technically actives, therefore your Frightfur Sheep's effect during the damage pace has no effect on it. At present if y'all had a carte that negated O. Celtic Guardian'south consequence, like Breakthrough Skill, Forbidden Scripture, or Forbidden Chalice, that would be a different story.
Christian Trovar: Bout Guide does negate its effect... on the field. But when a monster tributes itself to activate an effect, the event resolves where it ends upwardly, making it so the she-demon's upshot follows through in the Graveyard, not on the field. The story would exist unlike if Lilith tributed another monster to search for three Traps: She would then activate AND resolve her result on the field, and then she wouldn't get to search, but if she puts herself in the Grave, she tributed herself as the Cost (call up, you tin't negate Costs...) simply resolved her effect where she was no longer negated.
Cesare: Nah, that's non true. If yous negate Lilith's summon (Solemn Warning, Koa'ki Meiru Overload, etc) it technically never hit the field, so he tin can't activate its effect. Now, if he summons her and if you activate Abysmal Traphole or Torrential Tribute, you didn't negate her summon, so your friend could chain her upshot and tribute a Dark monster (including herself) to make you chose 1 out of iii ways for y'all to go screwed via abrasive Traps.
Hope I answered your questions!
MarshmallonKuriboh on July 03, 2018:
Cesare, I'mm pretty sure that Lilith's issue doesn't go through. If you destroy the monster during its summon, it'south consequence doesn't become through considering you tin can just activate the upshot afterward the monster is successfully summonec
Cesare on June 25, 2018:
If my friend summons Lilith, just I negate the summon with a monster effect, tin can he however activate Lilith's quick effect in the summon negation window?
Christian Tovar on June 23, 2018:
Can someone explain to me why lilith lady of lament's event is not negated by bout guide from the underworld, when information technology is effect summoned (llilith past bout guide) ???
KryWolf on June 21, 2018:
So I got a very interesting question... my cousin said that he wasn't activating obnoxious Celtics guardians event that information technology activates itself for 1 and for two my frightfur sheep stops all furnishings till the terminate of the damage pace meaning no furnishings shall exist played but is it legal for obnoxious Celtic to still have his result of not being destroyed by battle? And it is non a flip effect and my cousin used information technology as a flip effect which also confuses me.
Zeron87 (writer) on June 07, 2018:
Hubbububah: Yes, it's perfectly okay to ask your opponent what the effect of a face-up card is, and they take to reply you by telling yous the effect or letting yous read the card yourself.
Jack: Yeah, you tin select to destroy a monster(s) on your side of field that can't be destroyed past carte effects and still destroy your opponent'south monster, because the destruction of your monsters isn't a price.
King: I'm with ultimatedefense on this i... How is your brother adulterous exactly? Does he have cards upward his sleeves? Does he take a cute girlfriend who stands behind you while yous play that oddly coincides with you losing desperately? Or does his voice get deeper, and does he get a little taller while playing with a sudden personality shift, along with him suddenly having an odd fascination with wearing old Egyptian puzzles every bit necklaces?
BEWARE DANGER on May 31, 2018:
Ha ha very funny. But I have to say they are not actual rules.
Red on May 30, 2018:
Manners are the hardest actual rules.
Jack on May 29, 2018:
Hey I am wondering if I use 2 pronged set on and tribute my monster that tin not be destroyed past card effects can I still actuate two pronged attack like one is unaffected only the other one is and so I merely tribute one right?
BEWARE DANGER on May 28, 2018:
How is he cheating. Peradventure I can help y'all because i've dealt with a lot of cheaters in my yugioh years of dueling.
King on May 27, 2018:
My brothers cheating in yugioh
Hubbububah on Apr 21, 2018:
Tin can yous ask the event of a face card?
Zeron87 (author) on April twenty, 2018:
Tommy: Unfortunately, you can only actuate Painful Escape to tribute your opponent's monster if you know you accept a monster matching the 2d criteria (Original Type, Attribute and Level but different proper name) in your deck. Mandatory effects are different (When...), but if you lot're choosing to activate the effect simply "know" you lot don't accept a carte du jour meeting the residuum of the requirement for the resolution, then it would be considered an illegal move past allowing you to "shuffle and stack your deck by looking for a card you know doesn't exist." Hope that answered ya question ^_^.
Tommy on April xx, 2018:
Hey man, I was wondering, if I had Lair of Darkness out, and I utilize Painful Escape to tribute my opponent'due south monster, would I have to finish the rest of the card'southward requirements in order to activate it?
Aidan on March 28, 2018:
Zeron87 (author) on March 24, 2018:
Ronnie: Aye, as long as information technology's non happening during damage calc. For instance: If I attacked with a Harpie Lady #1 and my opponent countered with Mirror Force, I could concatenation with Icarus Attack (A Spell Speed two, just like a Quick Play Spell) to tribute my monster to destroy ii of their cards, then my remaining attack position monsters (if whatsoever) on the field would be destroyed. Go along into business relationship limitations on Quickplay spells though.
However, if you assault and your opponent happens to look until Damage Calc. to activate something similar Shrink, then you lot would non be able to chain Icarus Attack or a tributing Quickplay Spell/Trap unless information technology alters attack or says yous can activate it during Damage Calc. Hope I answered your questions ^_^!
ronnie on March 24, 2018:
Can you employ a quick play spell card 2 tribute a monster that has attacked and having it's attack countered
BEWARE DANGER on Nov 16, 2017:
Thanks for replying!
Zeron87 (author) on Nov sixteen, 2017:
Thank you for commenting ultimatedefense! I believing you should endeavor looking up Devpro and YgoPro2. I won't post a link hither considering of... reasons -_-, but expect them upwards on youtube and y'all should find links and info on how to install them. Again, thanks for the comment!
BEWARE DANGER on Nov 06, 2017:
Could someone tell where I could go the video game version of yugioh please?
Zeron87 (writer) on July 02, 2017:
Thank you for the comment fellow enthusiast ^_^! What you say is true. When I don't have time to get to my locals, I used to examination my skills on Duel Network, only so I went to YGOpro, which is much more beginner friendly. You have to make all the rule judgments yourself on DN (an often encounter people who don't know the rulings only are adamant near it), but YGOpro has all the rules programmed in it (98% of the fourth dimension), then yous tin can accurately judge whether your plays would work IRL or not. However, for that 2% (which I've encountered...) nothing beats understanding the rules oneself so yous can detect when a computer is trying to cheat y'all @_@ (Not literally, simply when a ruling error was made in the programming).
Over again, thanks for the annotate, human being!
Jeremy Gill from Louisiana on July 02, 2017:
Great commodity homo! Even experienced players like myself enjoy playing video game versions of Yu-Gi-Oh, which assistance guide players through correct timings (and prevent you from having to purchase cards).
Another tip for older players: the rules changed to where the commencement histrion no longer draws on their beginning plow.
Source: https://hobbylark.com/card-games/Top-Ten-Yu-Gi-Oh-Mechanics-You-Should-Know-But-Probably-Dont
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